Singam2 Review


   Singham Yamudu 2 Review

Behind the Movie Singham Yamudu 2: It is a fact that Singham has become the brand for Suriya to step up his market in South. When here comes the sequel, obviously audiences tend to compare with standards of first part. Let us see, how far the combo of Suriya, Anushka, DSP and Hari has repeated the magic?
In the Movie Singham Yamudu 2: Story begins exactly where the first part ends when Narasimham (Suriya) is given a special duty by Home Minister (Vijay Kumar). This time, the Indian Police Officer is allocated the responsibility to wipe off Arms and Drugs Smuggling Mafia in and around Vizag and Kakinada ports. To begin the duty effectively, Narasimham is relieved as DSP and joins as a NCC Teacher in a private college to complete the ground work on how Thyagaraju (Raghu Rahman) and Bhai (Mukesh Rishi), two rival local Mafia groups supporting the Drugs business of International Drug Cartel Danny (Danny), a Nigerian. 
On the personal side, Narasimham who prioritizes Police duty first has postponed the marriage with Kavya (Anushka) for a while. In mean time, Inter student Sathya (Hansika) falls in love for the heroism of NCC teacher Narasimham. She is none other than the daughter of Thyagaraju’s elder brother. Once Narasimham takes charge as DSP, he sweeps through the entire Drug Mafia but misses key player Danny who escapes from his prison due to political and higher officer pressures.  Disappointed Narasimham with special permission from Home Minister and Chief Minister (K Vishwanath) begins Operation D to deport Danny to India. Rest is how Narasimham closed the chapter of Danny, Thyagaraju and Bhai with the tragic end of Sathya? 
Values of the Movie Singham Yamudu 2: Like the first part, major element which drives this sequel happens to be the gripping screen play and extra ordinary direction added with mind blowing stunts. Suriya is a Nuclear Bomb Artist who explodes with energy and whoever comes on way, either heroines or villains, they will be blown away. Hats off to Hari as he showed the brilliance in screenplay and presented the same with effectiveness on screen through directional skills. Anala Arasu’s stunt compositions are also top notch. Priyan’s camera work is well complimented by the amazing editing of VT Vijayan and TS Jay. Never to mention DSP was superbly louder in background but for songs, the score was average. Though lip sync was missing, dialogues by Shashank Vennelakanti are good. Production values of Studio Green and Prince Pictures are laudable.
Performance wise, this is one man show from Suriya. Right from scene to the end, he alone shouldered the entire physical and mental weight of lifting the standards. His powerful getup, violent fiery eyes, twirled moustache and robust body were apt for the character. Never did he drop in energy. At the same time, heroines Anushka and Hamsika have very less to do. Villain artists Raghu Rahman and Mukesh Rishi did their parts well while Danny was also okay. Comedy by Vivek and Santhanam was below average. 
Out of the Movie Singham Yamudu 2: What makes this movie a definite winner at BO is the never slowed down narration speed. Scenes or episodes come and go. Hari never afforded a minute of break to re-think on what happened before. Editing with sharp and never seen magnificent cuts made the movie flow smooth with high voltage. Strategy adopted by Hari to desperately slow down the speed for first 40 minutes of film was intentional to give a dynamic drive for interval bang. Once Suriya takes up the duty as DSP, there is no break for audience. By interval, the story has reached a point where we kept on guessing what Hari is cooking for second half. Apparently, the real essence and real pleasure of action lied in second half. 
The hard work and reality check on how Police Officers prepare their intelligent sketches to spot the criminals (Ex: Mobile Signal Jams, Co-ordination between different towns etc) are effectively added into the screenplay. Although there are numerous comparisons to pin point in between first and second parts, yet all of them worked positive. On the drawbacks side, movie had a slow take off and unnecessary episodes on Sanathanam, Hansika are disinteresting. All in all, this is a true powerful mass action entertainer to give you a Paisa Vasool movie watching experience. Commercially, ‘Singham Yamudu 2’ is here to stay for a while in Tollywood.
MA Verdict of the Movie Singham Yamudu 2: Indian Police Lion Roared for a Definite Hit.
                                         Cinejosh Rating: 3.25/5
****If I am not Wrong, May be our Telugu Directors and Writers should learn a Piece of Knowledge and Magic of Screenplay from Men like Hari****
                                                                                                    Reviewed by Supriya